
CROSflow 830 Commercial Floor Leveller


3 in stock

  • Premium grade floor leveller
  • Ideal for internal and external
  • Fast curing

From: $38


CROSflow 830 Commercial Floor Leveller by Crosbe is a commercial grade, cementitious self-levelling underlayment with exceptional flow and adhesion properties.  


CROSflow 830 Commercial Floor Leveller is designed for internal and external applications where a thickness between feather edge and 50mm is required. 

Crsobe 830 is designed to be used over new or old concrete floors prior to the application of floor coverings. This product will accept all floor coverings after 24 hours and is particularly suited under resilient flooring.


A 20kg bag of Crosflow 830 floor leveller will cover approximately 4.1m2 at 3mm thickness, and 2.5m2 at 5mm thickness. For every 100m2 of 3mm floor leveller, 25 bags are needed. 

Benefits and Features

  • Ideal for internal and external applications
  • Residential and commercial applications
  • Suitable for use via manual installation methods and via pumping
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Exceptional flow and workability
  • Trafficable after 4 hours

Set Time

Allow a cure time of 3 to 4 hours at 23 degrees for foot traffic. All to cure 24 hours at 23 degrees before applying the respective floor covering. These times can be impacted by the air temperature, substrate temperature and relative humididty. Thicker layers will extend drying times. 

Crosflow 830 Commercial Floor Leveller- Techincal Data Sheet






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